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Gaga posts new Asia meme!

Electric Venus

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I think she might be saying the flavor of the treats is chicken, but it definitely isn't coming across well.

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She tried.




Jk lol whatever it means it's adorable  :haha:

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To everyone saying it doesn't make sense, I'm pretty sure that she's saying that Asia is asking for treats, and specifying that the treats she wants are chickens. This is because of the evil face Asia is making in the photo, making her look like a Chupacabra or something, even though Chupacabras eat goats, but either way, Asia is demanding a sacrifice in the form of live chickens.

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Bloody hooker


i've had enought

this is my prayer

that I'll eat chicken

and not see any more hair

we could, we could

belong separate



Gaga gurl let the meme making to the fans :awkney:



This mutual gaze was a “longing to touch” or a "pre-coitus" stare.
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I don't understand the meme :confused:



Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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like a chicken treat, but with an "S" to make it sound like a doggy said it.

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Asia always looks so grumpy, it's why she's so cute. I'm sure she's very happy - she's clearly loved and well taken care of. It's good to see Gaga happy and carefree again, because of Asia and getting Taylor's schlong more often now he's with her.

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I laughed out loud reading the meme. Nonsense is hilarious.

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Wait, is the "chickens" part in reference to Game of Thrones? Then it's actually funny :rip:

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn
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Asia it's a cute dog but the obsession with her it's kinda bizarre. It reminds of this 417cbcbced.jpg




:toofunny: BTW I'm still #TeamFozzyBear

B.B.A. / Music Lover / Human.
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