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Lady Gaga Posts Hatsune Miku's Opening on Instagram


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The screens are so obvious...what happened to the flawless hologram I saw in Japan??? :omg:

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I love gags for choosing Hatsune as an opening act, it so fits the concept of this era imo

Yas art and pop!

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Does anyone know miku's setlist? The first and third or fourth songs were awesome! I need a copy!



Glass Wall

2D Dream Fever

World Is Mine (rearranged)

Story Rider


Tell Your World


Wait, so it's a video instead of a hologram? Disappointed tbh :nails:


To clear things up, all concerts with Miku (except one, which used an lcd screen) have used a projector system to project pre-rendered video on to a transparent screen. The live band plays in sync to this video, and Mikus voice is played back separately.

Many of the articles that have covered Mikus concerts have used the hologram term, falsely causing readers to believe that it's akin to what's seen in Star Trek.

If this would have been a real Miku concert, the stage would have been specifically designed for the venue, and attempts would have been made to give an illusion of there being no screen on stage. But since they just had 10 minutes afterwards to clear away the equipment, the setup couldn't be too advanced.

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Random Miku Fan

I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's kind of a neat idea for a one time thing, but but the last thing the music industry needs is to take even more of the human element out of it.


Except Miku doesn't really do that. To quote the brilliant article Hatsune Miku and the Magic of Make-Believe "Vocaloid isn’t putting musicians out of work. It’s making musicians out of people who never thought they could be one.

Miku is the great democratizer of popular music. Through Miku, many thousands of musicians and composers are able to bring their ideas to life, and - if the songs are good enough - connect with a huge audience.

Quoting the article again, "I believe that anything where more people are making music, instead of just passively listening to it, is a good thing. I believe in the magic. I believe in Vocaloid. I believe in Miku."

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There was a girl standing next to me that kept saying she was a really big fan. She kept yelling, "Yay! I love you, Hatso Makoko!" She didn't even know her name or what songs she sang.



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Except Miku doesn't really do that. To quote the brilliant article Hatsune Miku and the Magic of Make-Believe "Vocaloid isn’t putting musicians out of work. It’s making musicians out of people who never thought they could be one.

Miku is the great democratizer of popular music. Through Miku, many thousands of musicians and composers are able to bring their ideas to life, and - if the songs are good enough - connect with a huge audience.

Quoting the article again, "I believe that anything where more people are making music, instead of just passively listening to it, is a good thing. I believe in the magic. I believe in Vocaloid. I believe in Miku."

Well said :applause:

There was a girl standing next to me that kept saying she was a really big fan. She kept yelling, "Yay! I love you, Hatso Makoko!" She didn't even know her name or what songs she sang.



Lmao :lmao:

Pantsu Nugeru Mon | Have Some Bi Rain
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Ladey Gagz

There was a girl standing next to me that kept saying she was a really big fan. She kept yelling, "Yay! I love you, Hatso Makoko!" She didn't even know her name or what songs she sang.



NNNNNN :lmao:

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I don´t know hahah :toofunny:

Thats like saying gaga and lorde are nearly the same

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Slay Miku

OMG where did you remember that guy?


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I'm not sure how I feel about this. It's kind of a neat idea for a one time thing, but but the last thing the music industry needs is to take even more of the human element out of it.



Ironically, there is Total creative freedom associated with Hatsune Miku. All of her music is composed by fans, music written by fans, sometimes independent lyricists, played by bands @ concerts and sometimes for studio creation as well. 


She has no input because shes not a living being, but all of her is human created. If anything the lack of filtering by a "record label" makes Hatsune Miku a more "free" artist than 99% of the industry out there. Individual people can release hatsune miku music on itunes easily and there is no record label censoring what kind of music she can sing or what can be released. shes literally made by fans for everyone.




私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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