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G-Eazy parts ways with H&M

Morphine Prince

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Maybe it passed the eyes of so many people because those people aren't racist so didn't see it and automatically draw a comparison between monkeys and a black child? :grr:

Actual patient
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Gia Gunn
2 minutes ago, Unbeweavable said:

Maybe it passed the eyes of so many people because those people aren't racist so didn't see it and automatically draw a comparison between monkeys and a black child? :grr:

Calling black people monkeys is a known way to deshumanize them, even to this day. It doesn't mean that people who are offended think of black people as monkeys.

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Couldn't agree more at the surprise that it passed by so many eyes and still made it to being published :deadbanana:

I'm surprised at the wording and how it's all phrased though, like it seems so formal and fancy (in a good way) :laughga:

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14 minutes ago, Unbeweavable said:

Maybe it passed the eyes of so many people because those people aren't racist so didn't see it and automatically draw a comparison between monkeys and a black child? :grr:


I brought receipts today. People are upset cause sh*t like this still happens and has happened for a long ass time.


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17 minutes ago, Gia Gunn said:

Calling black people monkeys is a known way to deshumanize them, even to this day. It doesn't mean that people who are offended think of black people as monkeys.

I didn't say or mean that? If i see a kid in a top that says he's a little monkey i would see it as how grandmas etc may call their grandkids the same thing.. Maybe the people who let this mistake make it to the internet just didn't pay particular attention to the colour of the child? 


Idg why people jump to 'it's racist/they're deffo racist!' so fast

Actual patient
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But he didn’t care that his clothing line was going to be made in sweatshops?

wow - so woke

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Is it really only in the UK where "little monkey" is a term of endearment for a child, it meant nothing

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1 hour ago, Unbeweavable said:

Maybe it passed the eyes of so many people because those people aren't racist so didn't see it and automatically draw a comparison between monkeys and a black child? :grr:

This. I get that people could look and go “lmao, that could be taken the wrong way...” but I don’t understand why people are so furious when H+M CLEARLY did not mean for it be taken that way. It’s obviously a shirt meant for any race, and referencing that little kids are often called monkeys.

No actual hate or racism was meant, so it’s strange why people attack so quickly. And if the celebrity had such a issue an effective way would be to personally phone H+M and let them know of your concerns. Guarantee they would have quickly adjusted it appropriately. Unfortunately, we as people in this current society love to attack, humiliate, and jump to extreme measures to make ourselves look like victims fighting for our freedom; we do it to be noticed. When in reality, there are ACTUAL instances of real, hateful racism that we should be worrying about and REAL victims who don’t have a voice or means to stand up for themselves. Not issues like a store accidentally making a shirt that they didn’t realize would be offensive :cryga:

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Lion Heart

King of Rap

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I'm sorry but this is absolute ridiculousness. It was an offensive and unfortunate mistake. Its not like those things go through tons of people to get online, its usually a generator and probably one person overlooked said mistake and the rest is history. I really can't believe people are dropping them over this one thing. This is hardly him being woke, its a PR move so people (like some in this thread) can go "wow hes so woke, i like him more now". Not to mention that hes a white f*cking rapper? Like how can you guys talk about racial issues and then allow all these white men to dominate the industry and the charts, meanwhile just a few years ago you were complaining about Iggy Azalea. Like I just.....headache.

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Craven Moorecox

Before this thread get messy, can we only talk about the topic of this post please.

Whataboutisms and the whole argument that he upset with this problem, but is fine with *insert problem deemed greater* does not justify that photographying the boy in that sweater was not offensive. @Alexander Levi

If you want to start a topic on sweatshops and child labor laws, I’m down to talk about that problem...but just not on a topic that is about racial insensitivity.

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4 minutes ago, Craven Moorecox said:

Before this thread get messy, can we only talk about the topic of this post please.

Whataboutisms and the whole argument that he upset with this problem, but is fine with *insert problem deemed greater* does justify that photographying the boy in the sweater is not offensive. @Alexander Levi

If you want to start a topic on sweatshops and child labor laws, I’m down to talk about that problem...but just not on a topic that is about racial insensitivity.

I agree - the sweater is offensive in that picture.

I guess I’m just talking to the fact that people like to be ignorant to things that don’t hit home or they see on a regular basis.

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5 minutes ago, Craven Moorecox said:

Before this thread get messy, can we only talk about the topic of this post please.

Whataboutisms and the whole argument that he upset with this problem, but is fine with *insert problem deemed greater* does justify that photographying the boy in the sweater is not offensive. @Alexander Levi

If you want to start a topic on sweatshops and child labor laws, I’m down to talk about that problem...but just not on a topic that is about racial insensitivity.

I think what I’m also trying to point out is that this is more of a PR move than anything for G-Easy.

Im sure he cares about racial inequalities but he’s using this as a way for people to notice him and approve of him being “so woke” - yet, apparently if he is “so woke” he would have noticed other things before this incident. :stalkga:

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Craven Moorecox
1 minute ago, Alexander Levi said:

I agree - the sweater is offensive in that picture.

I guess I’m just talking to the fact that people like to be ignorant to things that don’t hit home or they see on a regular basis.

I wouldn’t necessarily call it ignorance, but more of a lack of exposure to certain issues. The United States has had an on going problem with racism. Due to constant incidents of racism/prejudice acts happening, people are naturally more likely to be vocal about these types of problems. Added with the fact that American media rarely cover other countries (excluding Russia and North Korea), issues that affect 3rd world countries aren’t first thing that comes to mind. Or if they do, people feel helpless on the situations. Capitalism and globalization allow companies to use cheap labor, however, the act of boycotting countries that don’t have child labor laws can be more harmful then helpfully. Many 3rd world countries have been plundered of their resources and rely heavily on labor intensive jobs . If a country demand higher pay for their workers, a company would just simply move production to a cheaper country.

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