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Why do faux animal rights activists attack Gaga for wearing fur

Alien Tulip

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21 minutes ago, monstereo said:

It is not an extreme. It is absolutely comparable, because both were executed for the sole purpose of exploiting sentient beings deemed 'inferior' for those who see themselves as 'superior'. Humans are not at the top of anything. We are merely part of an interdependent web of life that forms complex yet fragile ecosystems. We choose to either participate in the protection of these natural systems, or to destroy them at our own peril.

People having your mentality is why people excused slavery in the first place. They justified using animals however they wanted, and view slaves as sub-human, therefore treated them no better then livestock. If everyone respected ALL animals, slavery wouldn't have been a thing.

The fact that people don't have access to nutritious food is something that should be changed. But for those who DO, there is absolutely no excuse. The entire MUST be changed in order to save the ever growing planet. The meat industry is DESTROYING THE EARTH.


I have to give it to you. You are very committed to your cause, to the point of coming out with hilarious exaggerations like equating animals to humans and theorizing that slavery is a result of animal husbandry.

How cute. I suppose we should have just remained primates in a primordial jungle, with equality for all, as long as you didn't fall off a tree and became a snack for a tiger.

You talk the talk but I seriously bet you don't walk the walk.

Tell me. If your own mother (I hope not) was lying sick in the hospital and needed medicine that could only be synthesized via testing on lab rats, would you not tell them to kill a billion to keep her safe?
As always, your efforts are always limited to puppies and cute wabbits.

If people like you had their way, we'd have been killed by the next animal that gave no **** about your equality.

I don't usually dedicate a whole post to cynicism, but I feel like I'm talking to a robot. Ironically.

I'm a human supremacist. The only reason I'm pro-environment is that the destruction of Earth would be the destruction of humans. The main reason I'm for the proper treatment of animals is because of my human-unique propensity to dislike torture.

I'm going to jet now. I think I'd prefer to spend my time speaking with practical people rather than keyboard idealists.

Edited just now by LebaneseDude.
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1 hour ago, LebaneseDude said:

I have to give it to you. You are very committed to your cause, to the point of coming out with hilarious exaggerations like equating animals to humans and theorizing that slavery is a result of animal husbandry.

How cute. I suppose we should have just remained primates in a primordial jungle, with equality for all, as long as you didn't fall off a tree and became a snack for a tiger.

You talk the talk but I seriously bet you don't walk the walk.

Tell me. If your own mother was lying sick in the hospital and needed medicine that could only be synthesized via testing on lab rats, would you not tell them to kill a billion to keep her safe?

As always, your efforts are always limited to puppies and cute wabbits.



The only way I'm equating humans to animals is by showing evidence of the human's biological structure, everything else has been comparisons and observations. The fact that slaves WERE looked down upon as animals shows people's negative attitudes to animals and treating them like commodities. If people didn't have such negative attitudes toward animals (considered the lowest of life forms) and didn't justify exploiting them and slaughtering them by the billions, there absolutely would be less slavery, xenophobia, racism, and other forms of prejudice. If people started treating the "lowest of lifeforms" with respect, then the rest will go along with it.

"I suppose we should have just remained primates in a primordial jungle, with equality for all, as long as you didn't fall off a tree and became a snack for a tiger." - What didn't you understand about my "this action is no longer necessary" point? We're past the point of living in the wild, trying to find anything edible for food. Not to mention your idea of "meat causing humans to evolve" is just a theory, just like the explanations of plant starches and cooking being the reason. I'm focusing on the status of humanity NOW, not in the past.

"your efforts are always limited to puppies and cute wabbits" I wonder how you would feel about a 'puppy and cute wabbit' slaughterhouse. I'm not a speciest, so my efforts go toward all.

"If people like you had their way, we'd have been killed by the next animal that gave no **** about your equality." Humans can kill as many animals as they want in nature, but as soon as a person goes into the woods and gets mauled by a bear, an entire search team goes out to kill the bear. Funny how how the 'circle of life' only applies when it involves benefiting humans and hurting animals.

As for your rat example, We are not going to save the lives of humans by using archaic, outmoded animal experimentation. Animals are a completely different bio-mechanical entity than humans. The anatomical, physiological, immunological, histological, and even psychological differences between humans and animals are too great to overcome. Currently, a formula for making animal-derived research relevant to human health is non-existent. If we're going to test medicine, it should be done on willing human participants.


"I'm a human supremacist. The only reason I'm pro-environment is that the destruction of Earth would be the destruction of humans."

You claim to be a pro-environmentalist yet you still support an industry that contributes more greenhouse gases, wastes more water, destroys more forests, and uses more energy then any other cause. The amount of food/water that go into keeping a cow or pig (for example) alive for approximately 4 years before they're slaughtered is more then you could possibly imagine (including the amount of water used to water CROPS that are used to feed to the animals)


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5 hours ago, Born To Slay said:

That's absolutely true. The only time it's necessary to kill an animal is if one is threatening your life. Just like the only time it's okay to kill people is if they're threatening your life.

Anyone who isn't vegan, isn't for animal rights because they're killing animals not to live but for pleasure.

What? Things are not this black and white.

I'm not vegan. I'm a veterinary medicine student. I'm dedicating 8+ years of my life to learn about the welfare and medical care of livestock, exotic, avarian, and companion animals. I am a vet student so that I can help animals and provide the proper care and assistance they need. I have upcoming trips to Mexico and India to volunteer at a animal sanctuary who rescue abused and mistreated animals. Yet, because I am not a vegan this means that all my efforts and actions are void? I am not for animal rights? I think that is nonsense. 

Anyone, no matter what they eat can believe in animal rights. Life is not black and white. 

I doubt this will even change your views, but you should be appreciative of anyone who makes an effort to help or aid animals. 

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8 hours ago, Alien Tulip said:

I agree with you but there are people out there that say things like "Ewww why is she wearing fur?" but these are the same exact people that praise her for wearing leather jackets :duck: They just contradict themselves. I do know that some Gaga fans and other people are genuine when they say those comments since some of them are vegan and are against fur and leather in general. 

Oh yeah, I know :rip:

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Kind of off-topic to the original topic but I was reading through the thread and I just wanted to point out that other primates absolutely DO eat meat. The whole 'all other primates except us are vegetarians' thing was bugging me sorry. :laughga:


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