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Gaga's egocentrism is turning me off and making her "flop"


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Kermit the frog

But this is nothing new. Every single pop star is vain. And not only popstars - people in general have egos. There are two things you can do about it - you can either accept that or you can stop being a fan. It's really not that difficult. 


People have egos. Wow, what a discovery! (Not aimed at you Kermit, you know I love you :hug: )


I know I know. :) We wouldn't have great things without great egos. I just wish she wasn't rubbing it in our faces at times cuz it can get ridiculous.

Edited by Kermit the frog
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These kinds of posts are so obnoxious. How do you know I LOVE everything she does? Or anyone for that matter? Stop generalizing.


If you don't love everything that she does, then you obviously know that other people don't as well. They have a right to criticise as much as they want.

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If you don't love everything that she does, then you obviously know that other people don't as well. They have a right to criticise as much as they want.


Objective criticism is fine. It's now what you say - but the way you say it. But if you don't have anything nice or constructive to say, why would you stir the negativity pot? I hate fans acting like she has to please every single one of them, I mean, she doesn't do what a random fan wants, she does what she wants and if you dread it that much, do yourself and everybody else a favour and just don't comment on it. I don't know, people around here always confuse opinions with bashings and that irks me.

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I know I know. :) We wouldn't have great things without great egos. I just wish she wasn't rubbing it in our faces at times cuz it can get ridiculous.


I don't have that problem though because I don't find her to be my friend or family member, so whatever she does - it actually has nothing to do with me and it doesn't hurt me in any way possible. I am here for the music and the artistry she brings forth. The fact that she is a lovely human being (as far as we know, but she could be a raging b---h behind closed doors) is just a bonus. People take famous folks too seriously. It's just entertainment, at the end of the day it doesn't really effect you in any way possible. If you have a life, that is. (again, speaking generally :sweat: )

Edited by nightcruiserx
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They have a right to criticise as much as they want.


No they do not.  There are boundaries to just how insulting your criticism can be.  There are boundaries to how much of it you drop at one time.  


"There's a lack of elegance and sophistication in the way that the audience and the public treats the performer.  ...  Everybody's a critic, everybody has judgement, everyone thinks they have a right to say whatever they think about your music your art, and truthfully everybody does have a right to an opinion, but this incessant negative force that's being charged at every celebrity every artist...it's sad because there's an element of respect that's been lost, for the performer."  -- Lady Gaga

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Andy McQueen

True,Its About ART and Not Sales


Exactly. :) Let her do what she wants! If she would sell herself, it wouldn't be herself anymore.

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Exactly. :) Let her do what she wants! If she would sell herself, it wouldn't be herself anymore.

Amen! she Could Do the whole Fame Ere Thing Over Again But she doesn't ,she is More focus on the ART

,and I Like her Even More Because of That!

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If she's happy doing things the way she is, then let her carry on. I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say that we like to see her happy, and not upset or anything...


Just let her get on with doing things the way she is.

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Don't judge me, please, this is just my opinion.

But I found myself thinking about the whole Applause drama, and Born This Way's lack of appeal, and etc, and I feel like it's all her fault. I feel like she's so full of herself and she thinks everything she does is gold and perfect, when in fact she needs a lot of professional help to make her ideas and creativity work.

Let's focus on Applause. I love the song, even though it's not an obvious hit. But I was like: "okay, this is as good as Just Dance, and if Just Dance worked, Applause has a chance to work as well (even tho the lyrics are far from relatable)". But then comes the VMA's performance. Don't get me wrong, I love that performance, but it left so much potential to explore. It's fun and happy, but it's not... epic, remarkable? And you don't need to be shocking to look cool again. The Brit Awards performance just came to mind. How does this relate to the title of the thread? It does because I feel like she feels that the Haus is perfect, when in fact it fails on so many levels, and she just doesn't search for professional help...

And then comes that awful, super dark, all over the place, poorly directed video. I can't stress how much I've been hating Gaga videos since The Fame Monster. And once again, I feel like they all "flop" because she's so full of herself and of her artistry that she doesn't want a PROFESSIONAL DIRECTOR (NOT PHOTOGRAPHERS who are her friends and will say yes to anything she asks for without even thinking if it will work or not) to film it. She NEEDS help, she needs someone to translate her ideas in a comprehensible, relatable way and, most of all, to stop her and tell her "no, this won't work".

And that's it, basically. I'm just praying for her to wake up and see that all these flaws are kind of ruining her own success. Now I don't mean to tell you that I feel like everything is bad to me. I loved most of the songs she presented at the iTunes Festival and for the first time in a long long time, I felt like she still has the potential to be the best Gaga she once was - and I felt that with the ARTPOP (song) performance.

Im sorry but this is Gagas career and she gets to deliver how she and her record label want. Do people go around telling you how to do your job??????

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Sometimes I feel truly sorry for people thinking as you. Why do you have to make it so difficult for yourself? You can't force yourself to love an artist and most importantly you can't force Gaga to change the way you want her to be. If you don't love her as a person and as an artist anymore, then it's time to move on. Hoping and praying that she'll turn back to the way she once was will do you no good, because ever since the beginning she has only kept evolving and moving forward. 

Being a fan means for me most of all having fun, enjoying the music and and the artist behind it. It can't be only about worrying and regretting that your idol has changed so much that you have hated the direction she has taken for years now.   

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This thread is being closed. It's not that we are disallowing negative opinions, but the OP is flamebait.

If someone wants to restate the OP in a respectful manner, to debate a legitimate topic like balancing ART and POP, or how an artist should portray themselves (saint vs. diva), then that would be fine, and a fun discussion to have!


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