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Eurovision Song Contest 2024 in Malmö, Sweden


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5 minutes ago, Aren said:

Didn’t know trying to make a statement against antisemitism was a right wing thing.


Anywho, Croatia was also boycotted. They made Switzerland winner simply because it’s historically seen as neutral, like someone predicted in this thread yesterday.

How is genocide support a statement against anti semitism. Many Jewish people don’t support the actions of the Israeli government. Having said that, after such an expensive campaign and people who don’t even watch Eurovision voting and Israel still couldn’t win the televote. That’s pretty embarrassing 

Edited by Micmaky
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1 hour ago, Pennywise said:

Now what's really embarrassing was the fact that even with all the political and pity votes in the world, someone could only be #5 :billie: 

Nah let's be real now. The jury boycott was SO evident.

Even I didn't expect them to be as harsh. But the betting odds must've sent them into panic mode.

I think the optics of hosting next Eurovision while the war is still ongoing is what persuaded many of them to completely shut out Israel. They didn't want to take any risks. 

The fact that a performance as strong as hers received the same pts as that British performance is laughable :billie:

For me I realized Israel was done the moment they got 0 pts from Ukrainian jury (first jury) cuz eastern european countries are usually more sympathetic to Israel.

And it's understandable. The optics of Tel Aviv 2025 wouldn't be great. But ppl need to be honest about what happened.

25 out of 37 national juries awarded Israel 0 pts. Whereas, only 2 countries shut out Israel in the public vote (Ukraine and Croatia). 35 countries awarded Israel pts, and 15 of them awarded them the maximum amount.

And the reason the Ukrainian public shut out Israel is prob because they don't want to be seen as supporting a war while they're themselves on the receiving end of one.

Edited by Dennis
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So I just came home. I hosted a watching party with 20 people in the worst condition ever and that one country almost destroyed all of my joy.

First of all you know what, I see the people saying mimimi „jury boycoted that country“. You know whats funny, I don‘t care if they did or didn’t :icant: If they did, this shows they wanna preserve Eurovision for what it is. If they they didn’t, they showed taste. So either way, we have to stan the jury :ororomunroe:

I wanted Switzerland to win once in my lifetime and it feels surreal. Especially to win such an important edition. Nemo wearing Bambie Thugs crown tells you everything you need to know about this win. Its a win for tolerance, its a win for ACTUAL unity and its a win for Europe. The only thing that still bothers me to my core, I wanted Joost to be part of this moment, cause what Nemo achieved, was Joosts message to Europe and the world. @Dutch I know nobody as passionate about Eurovision as you and we both know how important this was to Joost. I feel devastated for all of netherlands, I truly do. I did show his performance in his honor to all my friends before the show. Its a small gesture but it was important to me, he is the winner of our hearts and I am more the sure he and his parents know that too :heart: Its so unfair when you have a delegation like the Israeli one harrasing other delegations.

On one hand I am sure Switzerland would welcome the Netherlands with open hands next year, but I would also understand if they won’t compete. I just hope that this win at least is a glimpse of hope for all countries that felt threatened. I hope there will be a new executive producer and that the EBU will get their sh!t together.

For now, this turned from my worst nightmare to my biggest dream coming true. And I enjoy this moment so much. This sounds so stupid cause its a contest, a tv show. But its just so much more to me. And to see my, pretty conservative country, win with a non-binary person, singing about their personal story and their journey, is just so inspiring and I couldn’t imagine a better winner for my country. I’m just proud and so happy, I still can’t believe it. And I pray for a better, safer and much more united contest next year. We have the winner for those values, there is no question, now lets hope we will get a contest with the same values next year!

Edited by SwissMonster
SwissMonster®️ - Creating controversy since 1999
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What a great result for Israel. Going top 5 against millions of antisemetic people doing everything they can to put her down and blame literally everything on her delegation. Queen!

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Born This Way

I'll definitely be keeping up more with the pre-contest this and next year. Hopefully this was Israel's last Eurovision and the EBU go through some big changes.


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My thoughts on this Eurovision:

- Very sad about the situation of our delegation and Joost. It really has made this years Eurovision experience not as fun as other years were. Seeing the Semi results where Joost just came second behind “you know who” with even more points than Croatia got in semi 1 being first, shows how much support he would have had. And I am very proud, but also very sad for him and my country. What seemed to be an awesome Eurovision season turned out to be a disaster. 

- So happy though with the winner tonight. Even though Croatia also deserved it, Nemo came though with a simple looking but awesome and risky staging, which was something Croatia lacked imo. From the moment I heard the Code I had winner vibes, and I am happy it happened!

- tonight was a clear example you can not vote against a country, but just for a country. If there is 1 person voting for Israel, 10 have to vote for other countries to eliminate that vote. So the televote win is not deserved, but was expected… (same for Ukraine the past few years imo, even though they were the victim, the past years their songs were not that good)

- Sorry but I love Norway ending last. During MGP I said Keiino should win and should have been selected, and I am 100% sure they would have gotten more points

- Justice for Kaleen. She may not be the best vocalist, but the song is a bop!

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3 hours ago, Aren said:

The Irish act was so embarrassing lol

Omfg you have been embarrassing this whole thread. I haven't posted anything and have only reacted but this made me reply. The fact you keep trying to gaslight everyone here that Israel is the best thing since slice bread has been pathetic. 

OT: Sooo happy for Switzerland! They have been my favorite the entire timenand I'm so glad they won

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3 hours ago, Aren said:

Didn’t know trying to make a statement against antisemitism was a right wing thing.-

In that case, voting for Israel was used by many as a tool to "piss off" leftist, at least in France. Plenty said they'd vote for them to screw up with snowflakes and "islamo-gauchistes" (islamo-leftists).


Edited by aphrodisease
"Faites-moi des grimaces dans le dos tant que vous voudrez; mon cul vous contemple." - Gustave Flaubert
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I'm done getting reports from this thread ans I assume a 2025 Eurovision thread will be made some time soon so...

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