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Do you think Gaga will do well if LG5's lead single is of this nature?


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So a boring ballad is gonna have more of a chance being #1 when the GP and fans expect utter pop slayage? :awkney:


Just because it's a ballad doesn't mean it's going to be boring, honey. :emma: Have some faith in Gaga's writing and producing skills. Adele and Sam Smith have found their success through this genre and why can't Gaga? Also the GP loved her vocals in mid-tempo songs (jazz, The Sound of Music performance, Baku "Imagine" performance, etc.), how are you so certain that a ballad isn't going to do as well as a dance track? The last time I checked, her critical acclaimed endeavors all rooted on vocal inclined mid-tempo tracks.

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I would like a catchy pop song as lead single, new and fresh sound but a lot of what she is known for. RedOne should produce the lead single tbh :queenga:

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I actually wanted Dope as a single... :neyde:

I'd be here for a ballad with a dynamic chorus.

it wasn't laaaahv
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I'm here for a TEOG/Gypsy type of song, but with real instruments only.

she needs the album to be all real instruments 

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Just because it's a ballad doesn't mean it's going to be boring, honey. :emma: Have some faith in Gaga's writing and producing skills. Adele and Sam Smith have found their success through this genre and why can't Gaga? Also the GP loved her vocals in mid-tempo songs (jazz, The Sound of Music performance, Baku "Imagine" performance, etc.), how are you so certain that a ballad isn't going to do as well as a dance track? The last time I checked, her critical acclaimed endeavors all rooted on vocal inclined mid-tempo tracks.

You obviously don't get it...Gaga isn't Adele, Sam Smith, The Weekend, etc

She's a pop star who's going back to her RedOne roots...I wouldn't expect a lead single to be a ballad...that's insane :saladga:


Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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The first half of the 2010s saw nothing but EDM, dance, and songs that belong in a club. We're now entering the cultural rebound, where pop culture reverses itself and goes against its current state. It's like the 90s. While the beginning of the decade saw Grunge and rap take the mainstream, 1995-2003ish saw the absolute opposite, giving us boy bands, bubblegum pop girls, and upbeat dance music. 


The second half of the 2010s will be marked by a push towards alternative, the reintroduction of rock, and definitely retro funk+RnB. Gaga basically pushed 2009 off the tipping point into a big sea of EDM, massive pop anthems, and club music. I think for her to stay relevant is to do what she has done so many times before. Completely redefine herself. Instead of sticking with a current and fading style she should be part of the movement towards a new culture. I want pure retro 70s funk or even some grunge. Counter culture will always becomes pop culture if given time. 


We're in a transition period right now, just as 2007-2009 was. For example, this year there is the lowest number of number 1 songs ever in the past 50 years at this point in the year. Music is extremely bland and stagnant right now, and we need something to shake it up, just as Nirvana did for the early 90s, just as Madonna did for the early 80s, and just as Gaga did for the early 2010s. 


I want new, not old. Without new how can music progress and change? She needs to tell the people what they want from pop music, not abide to the charts.

Kevin Parker, Mac Demarco, Mark Ronson, and a stoned Lady Gaga. Need I say more?
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i'd be here for it, tbh. i think, however, that she's gonna come up with something that's gonna change the current pop game. just like she did with JD, PF, and BR.

I think for her to stay relevant is to do what she has done so many times before. Completely redefine herself. Instead of sticking with a current and fading style she should be part of the movement towards a new culture.

i agree. :yes: 

that being said, i'd also be happy if she didn't. i just want her to do what she wants. i'll stay by her side no matter what. :flutter: 

if you hurt taylor swift, i'll hurt you back
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I can't see her releasing a ballad as her first single and having it be number 1. That's just my opinion. And a lot of the times when artist release slow tempo ballads the radio stations speed it up and add more beats to it anyway. Like what's the point if it's going to be remixed by the radio station anyway to a dance pop hit? :roll:

She's not Sam Smith, Adele, or Lorde. She's Lady Gaga. You can't put their music in the same category because it's so different. And knowing she's working with RedOne again I don't think her first single to put her back on the GP music scene is going to be a ballad. :awkney:

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I would love some Carole King/Roberta Flack vibes on the album, no doubt.

But, me personally, I want the lead single to be a huge punch in the face. Not fun dance pop, but something ridiculous and larger than life. Best association (just my opinion, as I know it's unpopular) would be something akin to Highway Unicorn.

Not necessary stylistically or melodically, but the way it presented itself.

3 points in and ready for more
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She needs her own Roar (in order to get a hit), although she already had it ("Born This Way"), she should release a new empowering hymn, focusing on relationships, breaks up this time. I'm rooting for a guitar-driven pop midtempo with a catchy chorus and a rising final chorus with some funky beats. A mix of TEOG / Roar / What Doesn't Kill You.

Avoiding the charts, I'd like her to release something like "Kooks" by David Bowie or maybe a traditional pop song (Barbra Streisand, Sonny & Cher). She could develop a beautiful modern version of "Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves", knowing Gaga's capacity to build funny lyrics and catchy hooks and her influences (Bowie, Lou Reed, Black Sabbath) I'm sure she could slay something like that, a pop-rock midtempo based on irony or intelligent, visual lyrics. I guess she hasn't explored the "irony, funny" field well enough. The uranus joke was cute but I hope she delivers more! (Future Love could be an example of a perfect pop-rock, intelligent funny song, if produced and reworked)




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